Tessa also turned 21 months while we were there. Like I said she is starting to put together more sounds, repeat some sounds, and really listen like she is figuring it all out. I think it will be true that she will just start talking in sentences one day soon.
She is constantly yelling "mama mama" and never really wants anything but to know that I'm paying attention to her. The other day Dan asked "Does she do this all day long?" my response "Do what? Oh that? Yea I don't even notice it anymore." :)
She is a really good swimmer, she swims in the big pool with just arm floats and DOES NOT want you to touch her AT ALL. Continuing with the independence.
Our challenges this month are...
1. Getting frustrated because she can't communicate with words, so wines or cries
2. Is taking her diaper off at night...Dan found her in the morning with jammies off, diaper off, and wet bed; smiling I'm sure! We try to use button onesies and pants as a barrier, this is very frustrating to her. We purchased pull ups today and we really are going to try potty training soon. :)
Still loves babies and really plays dolls with them feeding, rocking, talks to them, etc...
She starts child's day out in 2 weeks!!!
That's it for now!! Oh yeah, today she has started licking me like a dog! Wonderful huh? :)