
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers


White Tongue?

For the last couple of days I have been noticing some white on Tessa's tongue, and wasn't sure if it was milk or the start of some thrush. I called the pediatrician today and she had me wipe her tongue with a washcloth and see if it went away. It didn't so she is going to get her first medicine to treat the thrush. It is minor and should go away in a few days!! Silly girl.


Courtney said...

Oh man, thrush is no fun!! Make sure they treat you as well for it or it will just keep happening.

She sure is a cutie! There are some pics where I think she looks so much like Dan, but then in others I totally see you but with dark hair. Dan's going to have to fight those boys off with a stick! :)

Amy said...

Awe, bummer. But no biggy, you both will clear up soon. I was just catching up on all your posts. I don't think I've seen any of them since your labor. It all happens so fast huh? She's beautiful Bri. Thanks for letting us come over this week and catch up. After the craziness of visitors dies down, we'll have to get together again. Maybe at someone else's place next time, so you can get out of the house :)