Tessa is really on the move now. She has been "army crawling" for a while, but now she can really get around. She is up on her knees but still drops down when she wants to go fast. We also switched out the coffee table for our old ottoman. It is huge so we thought it'd be too big for the living room, but as we've quickly found out Tessa rules this house and it is better for her :) She pulls up on it and carefully makes her way around. She still tumbles down but is getting more graceful. She thinks all these new adventures are really great and is always laughing at herself along with us. The personality just gets better and better and a little stronger with each month too!! We have an independant girl who thinks she is so big!
The only problem we've found is with all this new mobility she willl stand up in her crib and is fighting sleep a little more. From what I've heard this is pretty common and like everything else it is just a phase and it too will pass soon!!