
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers


Children's Museum

Today Tessa and I planned on going to the Children's Museum for the first time; and we had a wonderful surprise...Dan got the day off too!!! So, after Tessa's nap we packed up and went downtown. We thought she would love it, but she did even more than we could've imagined! She was so comfortable and would just run off and play without even worrying about where we were! I know I know we think she is great but there were so many other parents who thought she acted much older than she is and every time I thought a baby was her age they were usually about 4 months older. That's enough I know but you can't help but be proud of your kids!! Here are the pics...they speak for themselves!

First stop...dinosaur dig

Went right off to try it out, no reservations

Mommy and Tessa running the Barbie office. She'll have to learn from the biggest Barbie fan.

Walking out on the runway, dressed was too cute

"Hi" Daddy

Another lesson from the Barbie lover...Aunt Janelle will have to help teach her the rest!

Taking Daddy for a drive, look at the face...priceless

And another...she is such a character!

Here she was trying to yell at some kids to come back.
The Playscape was the VERY best part. It is made for kids 5 and under, so it had all the things she loves to do. It was perfect, she could've played for hours. This is where she really took off, playing with kids, finding toys, climbing, running....all while we tried to follow her around since she didn't even notice us being there.



We finished the day with a carousel ride, and she had played so hard she was about to fall asleep.

We will definitely be returning again soon, what a fun day!!!

1 comment:

The McGrath Family said...

You are such a biggie girl Tessa!! We are all SUPER proud of the smart and utterly adorable little lady that you are!!!