
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers


May Pictures

This has been a very fun filled and eventful May. Daddy has 2 weeks of vacation and we've been having some exceptionally hot weather! Here is a sampling of pictures from our wonderful month as a family!!

Tessa 7 months eating a banana
Tessa 18 months eating a banana

What an innocent little sweet heart

Bob the Builder exhibit at the Children's Museum.
It was amazing the difference in only a couple of months; she was able to do everything in the exhibits and understand what it was and how they worked.

Girly girl at the Barbie exhibit with Mommy

But still able to get dirty with Daddy!

Trip to the zoo. We took our friend Logan who is 4. Tessa looks up to him and wants to do everything he in point!

These are pictures from the 80 degree weather days. I thought they were great because it is Tessa just enjoying life and the weather, no bows and cute clothes.

One of my projects...hang a coat rack for Tessa. It is really cute, just her height and she feels really big. I can just picture her little backpack and lunchbox this fall when she starts preschool.

Tessa and Logan playing play dough. She would again copy everything he did, but it kept them entertained for a long time.
Logan and the food he made me.

Tessa making food.

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